Old Money and Golf

It’s time to explore the fascinating world of money, where the old and the new meet, clash, and sometimes even collide. The current state of things reveals an interesting dichotomy. On one side, we have Old Money, the old style, the old aesthetic, which evokes an image of elegance, prestige, and privilege. On the other side, we have New Money, with its flashy appearance, boldness, and taste for all things cutting-edge. So, how do these two worlds compare, and what are the factors that distinguish them from one another? Let’s dive into this exciting analysis.
Old Money: The Image of Refinement and Elegance
Old Money, or "vieille fortune" in French, is often associated with aristocracy, the old bourgeoisie, and a certain idea of elegance and refinement. It is a particular lifestyle, a specific aesthetic, that often spans several generations.
This privileged elite wears Prince of Wales wool suits, buys second-hand items for their charm and history, and delights in authenticity and quality. Their lifestyle is dictated by a strict seasonality, with formal events and age-old traditions that structure their year.
A good example of this is the United Kingdom, where the old style is still very present. Here, money is not just a means of flaunting wealth, but a way to maintain a certain social order and preserve age-old traditions.
The New Money: The Bold Expression of Success
In contrast, New Money represents the ideal of the self-made person. These individuals often made their fortunes in innovative fields like technology or social media, and they aren’t afraid to display their wealth. Their style is bold, modern, and often decadent.
Their lives are marked by innovation and rapid change, rather than by seasons and tradition. They buy the latest technological gadgets, wear the trendiest brands, and are often at the forefront of new trends.
Their money is often the result of opening judgments, bankruptcies, or cash infusions, rather than family inheritance. They have worked hard for their fortune and see no reason not to enjoy it.
Reconciliation Between Old and New Money
The reconciliation between Old and New Money is not always easy. The two worlds have different values and standards, which can lead to conflicts. However, as the lines between old and new money blur, more and more people are adopting a mixed lifestyle – a sort of "Money Style" – combining the best of both worlds.
This can manifest in various ways, such as a businessman in a Prince of Wales wool suit using the latest trendy smartphone, or an Old Money socialite sharing her life on social media. It’s a balance between respecting tradition and adopting innovation, between the old and the new, between privilege and accessibility.
Ultimately, the debate between Old Money and New Money is a reflection of our society and its changing values. It reveals our fascination with wealth and success, our desire for novelty and innovation, but also our attachment to tradition and elegance.
There will always be a place for both Old and New Money because they represent two aspects of our human nature: one is tied to our need for stability and continuity, the other to our desire for renewal and progress.
And you, where do you stand on the Old and New Money scale? What is your "Money Style"? Perhaps you are somewhere in between, skillfully navigating between tradition and innovation, between the elegance of the old and the boldness of the new. In any case, remember that beyond money, it’s your lifestyle and your values that define who you are.